Easy Rich Chocolate Cake (which happens to be Gluten-free)

This has to be the easiest, simplest, best-tasting chocolate cake I have ever made.  It also happens to be gluten-free. I can’t tell you how many chocolate cake or molten chocolate cake or brownie recipes I’ve tried.  Something was always missing. This cake is a like a fudgey molten chocolate cloud.  I know.  Contradictory.  But…

Simple Five Ingredient (Flour-free) Peanut Butter Cookies

These peanut butter cookies take about 5 minutes to mix, don’t require a ton of ingredients and happen to be flour-free which means they are gluten-free.  That doesn’t mean there isn’t sugar in there.  Yup.  There sure is.  But there is nothing wrong with peanut butter and sugar having a hug. This recipe is from…

How’s your back working for you?

  Does your back hurt?  Yeah, I know.  So does mine.  In fact, 80 per cent of us will experience back pain at some point in our lives.  And if you’ve known it, you never want to experience it again. Usually I post recipes in this space.  I like to cook. I like to bake….

Gluten free Pumpkin Bread – adopted from www.radiantrachels.com

  Gluten free, dense, satisfying, not too sweet, gluten free pumpkin bread made with protein-packed coconut flour.  Yeah.  It’s good. So good, that even though I’ve now made three loaves, I was in such a rush to get to the final product that I didn’t take photos of the process!  No matter.  Take a look…

So Good Gluten Free Coconut Bread!

Bread and coconut.  Bread and coconut.   Bread and coconut.  Yeah.  It’s all good. In the opening pages of every edition of Bon Appetit magazine, there is a section where readers can write in and request a recipe from a great restaurant or bakery etc.  This is a recipe I saw in Bon Appetit for…

Banana Peanut Butter “Nice” Cream – Kinda Ice Cream

Summer is for ice cream.  But when you have a lactose-intolerance and you’re finding that ice cream is becoming a food group all its own in your diet, you sometimes look for other options.  So I turned to banana “nice” cream, which is just another way of saying, freeze some bananas, blitz them in a…

Ice Cream Sandwiches

There comes a time in the summer when you need to have an ice cream sandwich. Here’s how you do it from scratch. Make these fudgey chocolate cookies. Make this chocolate ice cream.  Or any ice cream really. When you’re ready to assemble, let the chocolate ice cream thaw a bit and then carve into…

Fudgey Gluten-Free Chocolate Cookies

  These are soft yet fudge-y and cake-like chocolate cookies.  Perfect on their own.  Perfect with cranberries or cherries and another hit of chocolate with some chocolate chips.  Great little top and bottom to a homemade chocolate ice cream sandwich. I found the recipe while cruising around on the King Arthur Flour website.  I often…

Rhubarb/Strawberry and Rhubarb/Cherry Jam

Rhubarb and strawberry are delicious together.  But I’d say rhubarb and cherry are even better.  There are times on rainy days that you look in your freezer and say to yourself that you need to make room.  And so you decide to take your frozen fruit and make jam (And then you forget to post…

Ricotta Toast – With Fig Jam

Figs are amazing.  Concentrated fig-ness in fig jam slathered on ricotta slathered on a hunk of bread?  Try it.  You’ll see. It’s easy. Toast your bread. Spread your ricotta Spread your fig jam. Here is your RTI: Remember: There is nothing wrong with having a thicker layer of ricotta than bread. Messy factor. See below. You’ll…

Sweet Bread

Buns.  Sweet.  Bread.  Buns.  You really don’t need to know much else other than these are addictive, slightly sweet and the dough pulls off itself in doughy threads. This is the part where I make an admission. I actually don’t know the recipe for the thing I’m trying to make. I know it requires flour,…